Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Assignment 8, Louis Riel Interview

Hello everyone!

Today I am doing an assignment on Louis Riel and my interview with him in heaven. I know what your thinking in HEAVEN!? WHAT!? Yeah well, god found my story of how I really needed to talk to him important and let me take a visit, and this is how it went;

Carly: Welcome back everyone and today I am up in heaven to talk to Louis David Riel. So welcome Louis, we are so glad to have you on the show with us!

Louis:Oh why thank you! I'm so glad you came up to talk to me! So I hear you have some questions for me today?

Carly: Yes, i sure do!

Louis: Okay, spill!

Carly: Well first off, where was your home town again?

Louis:I grew up in St. Boniface, Quebec.

Carly: Was that a nice place to live? or would you have preferred something different.

Louis: Well I liked it there, there was nice schools and people.. though I liked Saskatuwan aswell.

Carly: Oh! I see that you were named after your father?

Louis:yes, and I am proud of it!

Carly: *laugh*, well I can see why! Your father, he was was a millar, AND a farmer! And he was also the leader of the metis as well! And of course, he was the father of you; a founder of the province of Manitoba, a Canadian politician, and of course a leader of the Metis people in the Canadian prairies! How did you get along with this father of yours?

Louis:Well he was sometimes a pain in the butt talking about school and only school, but we got along sometimes as i remember.

Carly: Did you ever try to change the way you and your father communicated?

Louis:*laugh* Yes and I tryed to do the most I could until the day I died.

Carly: Oh man, what was the story around your death again? Sorry, if you don't want to talk about it, it was a very dramatic time.

Louis:Oh, no matter! Its all over now anyways so I might as well. Okay well, I was the leader of the metis right, and that is a big job if you think about it. I was in charge of the whole tribe! Big, big job! but anyways, so over the winter of 1885, tension began to grow on the Indian tribes and they began to feel like were becoming a "victim" of hunger and disease, and all the Indian agents did not have the tools or medicines necessary to relieve there suffering and of course they blamed it on ME. Out of all of the people they could, they blamed me. Then it just went down after that. my authority went down, and soon enough I found myself only being supported by the French-speaking Métis and the Indians.

Carly: Oh, and sorry to cut in but how did that feel only being supported by the French-speaking Métis and the Indians?

Louis:Well, it definitely brought me down, but that's not even the worst part! After that happened, oh man i was trying to be smart and i was thinking if i decided to capture Fort Carlton it would be very important for my operations, and of course I was wrong. It then turned into this big thing and ended with me being sentenced to hang on September 18th.

Carly: Oh man, well I'm really sorry about that, but don't you worry about ever being forgotten because that'll never happen. You have been a great contribution to Canada, and a proud leader of the Metis.

Louis:Oh, I'm flattered. And thank you so much for having me here today it has been a pleasure!
Carly: It has. :)

*clap clap clap clap clap*


Taya said...

heey carly,

I love your background and your picutre its pretty cute..! (:

Shauna Pollock said...

Well done on this assignment, Carly!

I think you should change the name of your blog to iCarly!

I got your message. No worries on the assignment - we'll make a new due date in class tomorrow!